Monday, January 23, 2006

Radiant Steps for Radiant Living

Sleep which is considered the most ordinary of human activity is the most vital. A good quality sleep ensures that we are prepared to face the life ahead and focus in a better way. Most people have a nonsense attitude to sleep and that it turn tells on their lives. Here I'm discussing some important facts related to sleep.

As we prepare for a meal by taking the starters and then move on to the main course, so too is preparation required for a good quality sleep. The first step before unwinding is make it a point to listen to some soft music. Music is one of the greatest healers and listening to a soft theme just before going to bed will prepare oneself for a quality sleep. The next step is recall the positive acts you have done during the day, also envision the aspirations within you. It could be anything right from passing in exams, getting a better job, losing weight or family reunion.

Done, then you retire to sleep. The process does not stop here. For all acts to become real, they have to be realised in the astral world. In the dream world - astral world, anything is possible. There are no constraints or limitations. During sleep we are in touch with the astral world. Our astral body comes to the forefront and with it the subconcious mind takes control. Thats why we find that in dreams a poor man can become a rich man and all the rules are broken. To tap this astral thought and make it into reality is a key factor.

The method - As soon as we wake up from sleep, the subconcious mind remains for a few minutes in the front. By regular practise we should at this juncture (when awakened) spend a few minutes by thinking about all the great and good things we would want to achieve in life.
A regular practise when done will bring amazing results.

First of the series on radiant living - sleep- has been discussed here. Many more quality life enhancers will follow

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