Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lines from "Life Divine"

Life Divine is the magnum opus of Sri Aurobindo - A book most people view as of high values and not intended for the common man. In reality, it is a book which if read with care provides secrets to leading a life of happiness, divinity and fulfillment.

Reading it directly is not the easiest one. It requires a prepartion of the mind and body and since it is of higher dimension, not many make headway. But reading the commentaries on the Life Divine by Garry Jacobs makes it a lot more easier. I have read it again and again and gained a lot of direction from it.

Direction from a book - yes this is not an ordinary book - it has only wonderful thoughts for mankind. After reading, the best thing i thought would be to post it in my blog - a few of those outstanding thoughts...

"Life does not judge us by our actions. It responds to our consciouness. Life judges us by our impluses and our capacities."

"In life we should understand that opposition comes to us because we need it."

"One of the greatest mysteries of life is that out of evil or unpleasant things good can come."

"We can convert oppositions and disharmonies into harmonies."

"Regard every enemy as a friend. Regard every challenge as an opportunity. Regard every impossibility as a possibility that you should rise to make real. If you do that, you come upon the ultimate secret of life, the secret that spirit can move matter. If you do what you should do and can do, you can make money, accomplishment, social recognition and even matter comes under your control. "

" We have the freedom to make things happen as we want them to happen , because we are the power of that absolute."

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